Configure the Aloaha Timestamping Server (TSA) to run as IIS Application

The Aloaha Timestamping Software comes with an inbuilt web server to make sure it works out of the box without any further configuration.

Nevertheless many customers require the time stamping software to run as IIS Application. That has various reasons and advantages. For example performance, manageability, etc.

  1. Open the IIS Management Console, right click on your website and chose “Add Application
  2. Configure as Alias “tsa”, choose or better create an Application Pool and point the physical path to the path containing the tsa.aspx
    Aloaha create application pool

    Aloaha create application pool


  3. Go in the IIS Console to Application Pools and right click on the pool you are using. Then chose “Basic Settings“. Check that the “Managed pipline mode” is on “Integrated“. Very important here is to choose in .NET CLR Version the right version. If that version is NOT correctly set the application will NOT work. Some computer require v2.0 and others require v4.0 – you need to test what is best for your machine.
  4. Now right click again on your application pool and chose “Advanced Settings“. You have to set “Enable 32-Bit Applications” to True. Furthermore you have to define the right identity for the application. Keep in mind that not every user has access to every certificate. For example if you use LocalSystem you need to make sure that the time stamping certificate is available in LocalSystems certificate store. Much easier is to use the user used to configure and run the TSA system.
    Aloaha IIS TSA advanced settings

    Aloaha IIS TSA advanced settings


  5. Last but not least you test the tsa.aspx in your web browser. Obviously you must NOT get any errors.


If you have further questions just contact